About Us

1. Select the Product
Select your desired Product(s) from Websites. Check out our list of ‘Shopping Sites‘ to get you started.
2. Contact us
Contact us in Messenger or our Facebook Page with the product link(s) to get the price quote.
3. Place Order
Once you get the quote and decide to place an order, log in to your account from our Order Portal and place the order.
4. Initial Invoice
Await up to 12 hours to see your Initial Invoice in the Ordering Portal.
5. Make Payment
Pay the advance through the payment methods listed below and Contact Us with Proof of payment.
6. Product Arrival
Await Shipment arrival, after which, clear the remaining due to receive your product(s)!
Currency Rates
$1 USD = BDT 126.00 ( Activated from Jan 2023 ) ** Rates are subjected to change daily due to high fluctuation of currency exchange market.** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Currencies will be converted to USD
Weight Charge (To BD)
USA: 200 TK per 100g / 2000 TK per KG
Tax Rates in USA (NY) is 9% on the product price. To learn more about Taxes inquire with us.

City Bank
Branch -Gulshan Avenue Branch
Name – Shoptobd
Account No – 1401824677001
Type – Current
**You can EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) to our City Bank Account**

Cash or Card Payment
Office Address: Apt – A6 (Lift 5), House – 36, Road – 2, Block – B, Niketon, Gulshan-1, Dhaka
Time: 11-6pm (Weekdays, Except Friday)
We accept all Major Cards. Additional Charges are Applicable.

bKash Details
Number: 01848304698 (Merchant)
To Pay:
Use your bKash App to Pay:
– Open your bKash App
– Tap on Make Payment
– Enter Merchant Number: 01848304698
– Enter Amount (with 2% fee)
– Enter Reference (First 6 Digit of Your Invoice Number)
– Enter Pin
– Tap & Hold to Make the Payment
Please don’t forget to add 2% extra to your amount as bKash service fee
Shopping Sites
Happy Customers

This is for the first time I ordered products from Shoptobd. Best service in town i must say.The service is excellent and at the same time the charge is reasonable. The ordering process is simple and all the steps can be done sitting in front of your laptop/computer. They just brought me what I needed.Thanx to shoptopbd, You guys are completely safe and reliable. Cheers shoptobd.
Rakibul Islam

Great service and professionalism! Received product in less than 3 weeks.
Sabrina Anjum Poonam

WHAT I THINK ABOT SHOPTOBD????? They are awesome.Best service in Bangladesh. I have ordered so many product several times from them, and they delivered on time. Highly satisfied with the service, delivery and overall process. SHOPTOBD ROCz.
Abr Mehedi

One word Brilliant !!! Two things : # Amazing and Quality service : Got my product before the promised time. ## Unbeatable rates
Nasef Mohd

Excellent customer service you guys made it so easy for me to get the things I've had a hard time getting from anywhere else! Love everything about you guys, can't wait for the next shipments
Zaheen Sharar Sayeef

They deserve 10 Star not 5. Excellent service.
Zafir Hasib

Using Shoptobd service almost a year & get product 4-5 times. Their communication is excellent. Big thumbs up for the team.
Aminul Shahin

This is the only online shopping site that I trust.
Anannya Biswas

I heard a lot about it. Last month I ordered some thing for the first time. They just brought me what I needed. Thanx to shoptopbd, its more easier now to bring something from out side our country. You guys are completely safe and reliable. Thanks Once Again.
Mahaan Fahim

The service is excellent and at the same time the charge is reasonable. The products i received comparatively in a short period and the products are authentic. I am a satisfied customer from shoptobd and looking forward to order more products.
Imran Azad

I'm absolutely in love with this page! The service gets an A star from me, their authenticity and honest dealing is what makes them different from everyone else. Really looking forward to be purchasing more and more from this lovely page.
Mayeesha Tasneem

Amazing service Shoptobd team always pulls out the best deal for us #Cheers.
Asef Shamim

Shoptobd definitely made my first shopping experience from Canada a lot easier! The products arrived on time and the service was impeccable! I would definitely recommend Shoptobd to all my friends and family, and I look forward to buying through them again in the future!
Eriko Sultana
Get In Touch
- +8801848304698
- info@shoptobd.com
- Apt - B1, House - 59, Road - 3, Block - B, Niketon, Gulshan-1, Dhaka